I have thought about our ability to do all this amazing stuff however, we lack the ability to recognize when others are experiencing things out of their control or things they can not share. It is disheartening that those of us who have such a strong spiritual relationship with the Father are so disconnected from the ones He loves.
I understand the need for us to separate ourselves as we strive to live peaceful lives.
I understand we are not able to spend time with family/friends and we do not get to talk to our loved ones often as we are busy building our lives, we are tending to our own families, and caring for our households which is our first obligation...I totally understand
First let me say, I am the worlds worst in meeting up with people...I isolate.
A question for thought; if we truly have the love of God meaning we love Him above all else and we love each other, is is reasonable to say that we should sometimes (not all the time) be able to recognize when someone, who may not be attached directly to us needs us?
Mmmmmm. In my opinion, I believe we are prompted to connect to others, reach out to others, or be a blessing to others but I think we avoid the prompt. Or is it that we are not as connected to our Father as we would like others to believe( apologies..not addressing)!
Anyway, the next time you feel prompted or get a nudge to connect, please connect! Someone may need what you have to survive this day....