God I love you and worship you for who you are
God you are Jehovah Jireh; I thank you for provision
God You are Jehovah Rapha; I thank you for healing me
God you are Jehovah Nissi; I thank you for being my banner
God you are Jehovah Shalom; God you are my peace when there is no peace
God you are Jehovah Rohi; God where you lead me I will follow.
God forgive me for my sins. Create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a steadfast spirit within me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.
God heal every broken place in me. God heal my broken heart and comfort me as I go through. God soften my heart to forgive and love your people according to your will.
God my heart and my flesh may fail but it is you God who strengthens me. God your Word says be anxious for nothing; God forgive me for worrying and forgive me for trying to do your job. God I cast all my cares on you. God I cast cares concerning my children and my grandchildren on you. God I cast issues concerning my relationships on you. God I cast cares concerning my job on you. God today I lay it all at your feet. God I petition your throne regarding things concerning me. God your Word says you will perfect that which concerns me. God your Word says after I Have suffered a little while it is you who will establish me. God help me to suffer well, enduring all things, and fighting a good fight of faith. God my life is not my own; it is yours. God your Word says you will give me the desires of my heart. God may my desires line up with your will. God may I delight in you above all things. God I thank you for grace; God I thank you for the Blood of Your Son Jesus..... the Blood still works. Search me oh God; I don't know what I need or what to ask; Holy Spirit intercede for me; help me in my weakness.