Today was a good day. I was a little disappointed in myself because I allowed myself to get distracted failing to post a video about pressure and waiting.
I have allowed myself to become distracted lately and it's time to deal with the underlying issues.
Yes, I said issues causing me to get distracted.
We talk about distractions as if they can not be avoided.... but just maybe we welcome them....mmmm
Today, I was tired after work( mentally) and all I wanted to do was lay down and rest. I was not able to rest and if I may be honest, I didn't need to rest. I wanted to rest as if resting is a habit or that resting is my right when there is obviously work I need to get done.
Because I have my own work, my own goals and ambitions, there is no time to rest.
Are you allowing yourself to become " tired" working on someone else's work instead of your work. Are you working for yourself just as hard as you are working for others?
It is time.... you are being prompted to get up and get back on your personal goals.